TeamGuru is the ultimate leadership tool for lean operations teams worldwide.

Strategy Deployment: One Vision, One Goal.

Looking to take your organization to the next level? Strategy Deployment (Hoshin Planning) can help you achieve your goals. By clearly defining and communicating your strategic objectives, you can align your entire organization towards a common vision. With the help of Strategy Deployment, you can turn your aspirations into reality and drive your organization forward.

Say goodbye to the hassle of tracking your Strategy Deployment in Excel. TeamGuru offers a comprehensive, integrated platform where you can manage your X-matrix, projects (A3s), and metric dashboards all in one place.

With real-time updates, everyone on your team can stay informed about the status of your initiatives. By simplifying your strategy management with TeamGuru, you can focus on what matters most: achieving your goals.

See how TeamGuru can help you succeed faster. Request a demo to see our platform in action. Streamline strategy deployment with our all-in-one solution. Contact us to learn more.

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TeamGuru can do more.

Action Lists

Manage all critical projects and actions in one place. Learn More

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Strategic Leadership

Metric Dashboards

Set up crisp dashboards to track your key performance indicators. Learn More

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Strategic Leadership


Resolve problems quickly (5-Why, Pareto, Corrective Actions). Learn More

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Strategic Leadership

Standardized Meetings

Track agenda, meeting minutes & actions with a few clicks. Learn More

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Strategic Leadership