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Striking a Balance: Leading vs. Lagging KPIs

Published by Samantha Johnson Samantha Johnson · Dec 4, 2023
Striking a Balance: Leading vs. Lagging KPIs

Your organization's ability to measure and understand performance is crucial. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), both leading and lagging, serve as vital tools in this quest. However, balancing and leveraging these KPIs effectively is an art in itself. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how businesses can strike this balance and use KPIs to drive success.

Understanding Leading and Lagging KPIs

Before diving into balance and leverage, it’s essential to understand what these KPIs are:

  • Leading KPIs are predictive indicators, providing insights into how well your business is positioned for future success. Examples include customer satisfaction surveys and website traffic.
  • Lagging KPIs reflect past results, showing what the business has already achieved. Revenue and customer retention rates are classic examples.

The Art of Balancing

Balancing leading and lagging KPIs is critical. Relying too heavily on one type can skew your business perspective, either keeping you too focused on the past or overly speculative about the future.

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Start by defining what success looks like for your business. This clarity will guide you in selecting KPIs that are relevant.

  2. Choose Complementary KPIs: For each lagging KPI, identify a leading KPI that influences it. For instance, if annual revenue is a lagging KPI, a leading KPI could be the volume of sales inquiries.

  3. Regular Reviews: Regularly review both sets of KPIs. This process helps in understanding the relationship between your actions (leading KPIs) and outcomes (lagging KPIs).

Leveraging KPIs for Success

With a balanced approach, you can leverage these KPIs to drive business success.

  1. Predictive Adjustments: Use leading KPIs to make proactive adjustments. For example, a drop in website traffic (a leading KPI) might prompt a review of your digital marketing strategy.

  2. Performance Evaluation: Lagging KPIs are excellent for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies and operations. They help in understanding what worked and what didn’t.

  3. Strategic Planning: Combine insights from both KPIs for strategic planning. Leading KPIs can help set future goals, while lagging KPIs can provide a reality check on what’s achievable.

  4. Communication and Alignment: Use KPIs to communicate goals and progress to your team. This transparency ensures everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives.

  5. Continuous Improvement: Finally, use the insights from these KPIs to foster a culture of continuous improvement. They are tools not just for measurement, but for learning and growth.


Balancing and leveraging leading and lagging KPIs is not just a measurement exercise; it's a strategic approach to running a business effectively. By understanding and applying these KPIs effectively, businesses can gain a comprehensive view of their performance, anticipate future trends, and make informed decisions that drive success.

In this context, TeamGuru stands out as a perfect platform for defining and tracking KPIs at all levels of an organization. Its built-in reporting capabilities, visualizations, root-cause analysis, and corrective actions tools make it an invaluable asset. This platform simplifies the process of monitoring both types of KPIs, ensuring that your business not only keeps track of its current performance but also stays aligned with its strategic goals.

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