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LOOK Closely at Your Strategic Plan

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · Aug 31, 2023
LOOK Closely at Your Strategic Plan

In strategic management, clear communication is vital. Two important frameworks that help in achieving your goals are the X-Matrix view and the Strategic Plan View. These methods, although related, offer different approaches to turning strategic ideas into actions. Are you wondering what sets them apart?

The X-Matrix View presents a dynamic visual format that brings together strategy, tactics, and execution within a single matrix. This matrix is characterized by its cross-functional alignment.

Strategy Deployment Components:

  • 3-5 Years Critical Few Objectives: Similar to the Strategic Plan View, the X-Matrix starts with a long-term vision.
  • 1st-Year Annual Objectives: These objectives are derived from the long-term vision and set the tone for what the organization aims to accomplish within a year.
  • Key Improvement Priorities: Here you outlined your Action plans. This granular detail ensures the execution of your strategic objectives.
  • Metrics and Responsibles: The X-Matrix includes designated owners responsible for executing each initiative. Key performance metrics are aligned to measure progress. 


The Strategic Plan View, while sharing some similarities with the X-Matrix, places more emphasis on the hierarchical structuring of strategic components. It provides a visual representation of the strategic plan and an understanding of the company's direction. The strategic plan incorporates timelines for each initiative and assigns responsibilities to relevant individuals or teams. 

With TeamGuru's collapsible sections, you have the ability to seamlessly hide columns or display entire content with ease. Additionally, you can directly access detailed information by utilizing the live link to Strategy Action Lists. This link offers a convenient way to view comprehensive details whenever needed.


Both the X-Matrix View and the Strategic Plan View play significant roles in executing the company’s objectives. The choice between these approaches depends on the organization's complexity, culture, and communication preferences.

The X-Matrix view tends to be more complex and offers direct linking of actions with each initiative while the Strategic Plan View simplifies the communication of strategic intent, making it more accessible to a wider range of stakeholders. Whichever approach an organization adopts, the main goal remains the same: to bridge the gap between strategy and action, fostering a pathway to success.

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