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HR's Turn: From 'Resources' to 'Relationships'

Published by Samantha Johnson Samantha Johnson · Sept 11, 2023
HR's Turn: From 'Resources' to 'Relationships'

Hello Leaders!

Congrats on your leadership role! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, there's always something new to learn. Today's topic? Shifting your mindset from "Human Resources" to "Human Relationships." This isn't fluff; it's a game changer.

What's in a Name?

"Human Resources" feels sterile, right? Your team members aren't just resources; they're vibrant individuals with their own interests, hobbies, and lives. Recognizing that is the first step to becoming a leader people genuinely want to follow.

Transactional vs. Relational

In a "Human Resources" mindset, it's all about the transaction: "You work, you get paid." But let's pivot to "Human Relationships." Now you're focusing on what makes your team tick. Are they eyeing a promotion? Are they coffee aficionados or more into herbal teas?

Knowing Their Passions

And here's a pro tip: Take a genuine interest in what lights up your team members. Knowing their passions and practicing natural curiosity about what makes them happy can create a whole new level of connection. Your team will notice, and hey, who doesn't love a boss who actually gets them?

Good for People, Great for Business

Wondering if this approach is business-savvy? You bet. Studies show that employees who feel valued and engaged are more productive. So, investing in relationships isn't just humane; it's smart business.

Quick Tips for Big Wins

  1. Regular Check-Ins: A simple "How are you?" goes a long way.

  2. Celebrate Wins: Whether it's a personal milestone or a job well done, celebration boosts morale.

  3. Be Flexible: Some people are morning folks, others aren't. Flexibility can mean happier, more productive teams.

  4. Open Door Policy: Make yourself available and approachable. It fosters trust and open communication.


Switching from a "Human Resources" mindset to "Human Relationships" isn't just a feel-good move; it's a smart business strategy. To kickstart this shift, identify key actions like regular one-on-ones or milestone celebrations and formalize them in your Leadership Standardized Work. With TeamGuru, tracking these actions is a breeze, helping you live up to your commitment to a relationship-first style of leadership.

Ready to be that leader? Let’s dive in!

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